A Life
Relived Anew!
50 Jesus shouted again with a loud
voice and gave up His spirit. 51 Suddenly, the curtain of the
sanctuary was split in two from top to bottom; the earth quaked and the rocks
were split. 52 The tombs were also opened and many bodies of the
saints who had fallen asleep were raised. 53 And they came out of
the tombs after His resurrection, entered the holy city, and appeared to many.
27:50-53 (HCSB)
The passage
above is clearly stated in the gospel account of St. Matthew. I need to say,
from very early in my own life I have wondered about this passage. I’m probably
not alone.
Most of the Resurrection sermons I have
heard come from Luke or Mark sometimes John for different reasons. But this
passage alone has been at the back of my mind when it comes to the resurrection
Jesus’ resurrection brings about this
amazing event of the sanctuary curtain splitting from top down to bottom during
this earthquake and the miracle of the tombs of people coming open and then the
bodies of saints who had fallen to sleep being raised from the dead and walking
to Jerusalem! They had life again!
Now, I am not sure what you make of that
but I have wondered on many levels what these verses are telling me.
The Resurrection of Jesus is the event
of World History that cannot be ignored. The weight of the Christian Faith is
on this event. If Jesus did not raise from the dead. Christians, we have a
problem. As the Great Apostle Paul says, 17 And if Christ be not
raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they
also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this
life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1
Corinthians 15:17-19
This strange account of the dead coming
back to life and being seen by many in the Holy City is sure evidence that the
resurrection is an ongoing event. The event started with these people rising
from the dead (not the walking dead) but they had a renewed life. ‘We believe in Life Relived Anew!’
This event is not finished because Christ
himself came back from the dead and each and every person who is connected to
Jesus (union with Christ) will without a shadow of a doubt, be raised from the
dead. The doctrine that says we are
joined with Christ in his death are also joined with him in the resurrection of
the body. You may say, “Hey, I’m already
alive! But you will experience the power of the resurrection at the time that
you need it at that last day.
great Apostle says that we are ‘most miserable” noting that our faith is not in
the great story of a dead prophet and teacher but in a risen savior who
proclaimed that He is God. He lives! He
lives! Christ Jesus lives today and he has opened the great gates of heaven and
brought us into the great family of God!
God made it to be Not Enough for the earth
to quake at the crucifixion. God made it
Not Enough for the veil of the Temple to be torn in two from top to
bottom. But He gave us the account of
PEOPLE just like you and me, who had faith and trusted him that they came back
from the dead and walked into the Holy City for everyone to see that the
promises of God are real and true! We
are Not disappointed at the trials, tragedies, and temptations we witness but
we are affirmed in the promises of God to no end.
We are not miserable, ladies and gentlemen,
we are exceptionally enthusiastic, overwhelmed with hope and filled up with
joy! Because Our Savior is alive and
gives us ‘Life Relived Anew’!
Just think, the resurrection gives us
a second chance! Who would like a do over? Would you like to start new today?
If you are walking with Christ, the opportunity is upon you today. Each person who was raised from the dead that
day got a Do Over! They came back alive and experienced life again. We can say that when we served people caught
in the circumstances of life are down in the dumps and sad. You know Jesus
offers us ‘Life Relived Anew’? We are commissioned to offer the message of the
Gospel to everyone we meet and say that you can ‘Live a renewed Life! This is amazing! All you have to do is turn
to the Gospel of Matthew like I have on many occasions and read:
51 Suddenly, the curtain of the
sanctuary was split in two from top to bottom; the earth quaked and the rocks
were split. 52 The tombs were also opened and many bodies of the
saints who had fallen asleep were raised.
Now isn’t that good news?
You have been blessed with the mission to go to where there
is no hope and proclaimed that The One who has overcome all circumstances
offers hope. Are you in the middle of
confusion? Jesus offers peace. Are you
downcast because of the world of deceit and anger? Jesus offers truth and
blessed life. We have been given the
task to go to all and offer peace, hope, and joy for a renewed life for you.
I hope to see you at the Annual Care Giver Retreat!
Why Mardi Gras?
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