Saturday, May 19, 2018

ACGR 2018 Agenda

ACGR 2018  Agenda
This year is the Care Giver Cruise
Date: May 25, 2018
Time: 9am – 5:30pm
Place: Stone Mountain Park, Across from The Gristmill Pavilion
9am Welcome and breakfast
Breakfast: Chick-Fil-A
Welcome to the 2018 Care Giver Cruise
Chaplain Horace Cutter Captain of the ship. The captain will challenge the Retreat-Mates to reflect on their gift of care giving. Accelerated Intimacy
10am Session 1. Shibana Cutter- The ship's Chief Medical Officer
Session led by first guide who will continue to layout the proper perspective on reflection and recollection.
10:40 Session 2. Play time
Play time- Time to move your body in the task of playing once again. Returning to the days when you loved to play with friends.
11:05 Morning break
11:10 Session 3 Betty Williams – The Ship's Special Officer- Compassion Fatigue
This session will help those in the helping profession recognize the symptoms of compassion fatigue and build a resilient self-care model. Retreat-mates will have the opportunity to engage in one of several strategies to cope with fatigue and burnout.
1:10 Lunch
1:40pm back to pavilion for reflection assignments: Refer to May 23rd for retreat assignments for reflection.... Captain will take a group Exploring the mountain and Train ride
From 1:40pm – 3:40pm tours and times for reflecting.
The evening sessions will focus on encouraging the participants to share some of their experiences while care giving.
3:40 Session 4 BJ Spanos --Ship's Special Officer- Care Giver Grief, Grief's myths and Misinformation; Let's Talk
James Wilson – From both sides of the equation…
4:20 Session 5 Shibana & Horace – Reflections on your day
4:40 Session 6 Chaplain Cutter challenge to care for the care giver
Care Giver Affirmation
5:30pm Closing
Chaplain Horace

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