Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Annual Care Giver Retreat May 2017


   The Annual Care Giver Retreat 
   This year's theme is, Prescriptions from Dr. Seuss
   This year we look forward to having a fun time reflecting on the timeless sayings of that master of simple sayings, 'Dr. Seuss'.  Remember,"A person is a person, no matter how small." from 'Horton hears a Who'!!
Mining the simple and sometimes silly sayings that carry mounds of truth embedded.  Dr. Seuss' prescriptions will support, confront, convict and affirm any professional care giver who looks for a place to belong in the world of life-on-life care.    

The ACGR will be held on Friday, May 19th from 9am to 1:30pm on location at Dunaway Gardens, among the natural fragrance of flowers and lovely landscape.  The Annual Care Giver Retreat is specifically for Professional Care Givers and Professional Teachers. 
      Dunaway Gardens, is a well manicured garden tucked in the corner of Newnan, Ga.   You will be surrounded by nature and have time to take for reconnecting with your mind and body and spirit. 
      Participants will meet at Dunaway Gardens:
3218 Roscoe Rd., Newnan, Ga. 30263

Please call Chaplain Horace Cutter for any questions or concerns.  678-763-1871

Directions to Dunaway Gardens       

*From I-85 take exit 47 Bullsboro Dr. (Hwy 34) in Newnan.
*Drive toward Newnan about ¼ mi, make right on 34 by-pass.
*Continue on 34 by-pass (3mi.) to Hwy 70  (Roscoe Rd). make right & Drive apprx. 5. 5 miles. 

*Dunaway Gardens will be on the Left. 

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