Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Annual Care Giver Retreat May 2017


   The Annual Care Giver Retreat 
   This year's theme is, Prescriptions from Dr. Seuss
   This year we look forward to having a fun time reflecting on the timeless sayings of that master of simple sayings, 'Dr. Seuss'.  Remember,"A person is a person, no matter how small." from 'Horton hears a Who'!!
Mining the simple and sometimes silly sayings that carry mounds of truth embedded.  Dr. Seuss' prescriptions will support, confront, convict and affirm any professional care giver who looks for a place to belong in the world of life-on-life care.    

The ACGR will be held on Friday, May 19th from 9am to 1:30pm on location at Dunaway Gardens, among the natural fragrance of flowers and lovely landscape.  The Annual Care Giver Retreat is specifically for Professional Care Givers and Professional Teachers. 
      Dunaway Gardens, is a well manicured garden tucked in the corner of Newnan, Ga.   You will be surrounded by nature and have time to take for reconnecting with your mind and body and spirit. 
      Participants will meet at Dunaway Gardens:
3218 Roscoe Rd., Newnan, Ga. 30263

Please call Chaplain Horace Cutter for any questions or concerns.  678-763-1871

Directions to Dunaway Gardens       

*From I-85 take exit 47 Bullsboro Dr. (Hwy 34) in Newnan.
*Drive toward Newnan about ¼ mi, make right on 34 by-pass.
*Continue on 34 by-pass (3mi.) to Hwy 70  (Roscoe Rd). make right & Drive apprx. 5. 5 miles. 

*Dunaway Gardens will be on the Left. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Gift of God: Think Responsibility

Title: The gift of God: Think Responsibility

Text: Jeremiah 1:7, But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.

     Intro: There is a saying in the media these days which holds a good word of reason for those who desire to drink alcohol, which states, ‘Drink Responsibly’.  Anyone who considers taking in a drink should do so with caution due to the ability of the drink to take away the person’s ability to think clearly.  I think a similar word of caution could be given to those who discover God’s gift to them.  When God reveals the gift, He reveals with the intent of the obedience to Him.

          For the young prophet Jeremiah, it was clear that he was intimidated by the dictates of the surrounding experiences that he thought he was unable to prophesy.  “I am a child” he said.  But when God gives to the world his presence in the form of gifts, along with the gift is the guidance of reason from the truth of God’s experience not our own.  As we discussed last week the fact that God placed you in a certain place and time, gives much cause to find the purpose of what He has called you to.  This week we are looking at using your make up in the place He has called you to with great consideration and responsibility. 

As you will study in scripture, God calls people to the task to be done with the command of loyalty to Him and the Kingdom of God.  Remember that the prophet was given this vision at an early age yet at many times in his life the gift seemed to be against any good that it would gain for Jeremiah personally.  In chapter 20 the prophet was so distraught with God’s plan of discipline that he attempted to keep from performing the gift that God had given.  Due to his own desire to say something positive, Jeremiah wanted to spread some good news but God had different plans.  Jeremiah was unable to keep God’s gift contained to his preference.   “There is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.” He could not, not dispense the gift.

The Apostle Paul gives further insight into the gifts when he wrote to the Corinthian church,   “You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 3 Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

Notice that Paul makes mention that being influenced and led astray by mute idols cannot compare to being led intentionally through life by the Spirit of God.  Mute idols cannot relate, inform and instruct so the person is led by his own preferences.  The gift of God is given in a certain place and time so that the glory of God will be revealed in the kingdom of His dear Son.   That is important for us to know.  Nowhere in scripture is anyone given specific gifts to be used at their own liking but for His greater purpose.  That is why when the gift is used, it calls for the believer to depend upon the guidance, will and love of God.  Even Jesus when crying out for another way to secure salvation, in prayer in the garden, was compelled to resign to the higher dictates of the Kingdom above His own desire for the moment.  The call of the gift of God demands the believer to be responsible to the higher demands of the Kingdom above property, face or even life.  The plan of God is to be trusted as the guide for those who believe in Him.  Continuing to believe that His Spirit will lead them by the power of the word He has written and sustains.  

As you find the gift that God has given you, remember that you must not lean to your better thoughts to follow God but lean heavily upon the dictates of His Spirit through His word to make the gift work to the glory of God. 

Blessing:  May the task that you have committed to God to get done today be pleasing  in His sight and bring about great success      

Prayer:                           O Lord in whom all things live,

Who commanded us to seek you,

Who are always ready to be found:

To know you is life,

To serve you is freedom,

To praise you is our soul’s delight.

We bless you and adore you,

We worship you and magnify you,

We give thanks to you for your great glory,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
