Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hope Regained

Hope Regained 

While there's life,there's hope.
 This famous saying was used by Cicero who may have borrowed it from a Latin playwright named Terence (190-159 B.C.) Leading any person along the path of learning is a journey of hope.
       All it takes is a small spark of hope to ignite the flame of inquiry leading to a blaze of sheer hunger for knowledge in the very spirit of normal human being. Teachers yearn for this, a mind open just enough for the practical world to touch the threshold of imagination, then you launch- off into your possibilities. Just because the flame of hope was nurtured, believed and ignited. 

 The Scholar's Hope
      "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.   No husbandman would               sow one grain of corn, if he hoped not it would grow up and become seed; no               bachelor would marry a wife, if he hoped not to have children; no merchant or             tradesman would set himself to work, if he did not hope to reap benefit thereby.           How much more, then, does hope urge us on to everlasting life and salvation?"                   Martin Luther

      This quote from the pages of the Reformer, Martin Luther is one of my favorite. Luther takes the crude ground that we walk upon to offer a clear parallel for exquisite truths like that of Spiritual life and eternal hope in providence. What scholar set you ablaze from the gesture of intellectual prowess that places you before pliable minds of the future? Continue to seek that which inspires you to regain hope and refresh those threads of hope to reel in the attention of those you seek to launch. 


        As you think about those whom you will see in the morning, imagine what compliment would make them feel accepted and affirmed. Smile and make them feel your support in meaningful ways today and tomorrow.


       What is the most important thing that money can buy? (trick question). Money can't buy a thing, it is the person using the money who chooses where to exchange things for its value. Use your money wise and it will place you in a place of comfort, let money use you and you will forever look for comfort because it has no heart. 

 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. May those good and perfects gifts rain upon you and yours today.

 Chaplain Horace Cutter

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