Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Annual Care Giver Retreat!!

The Annual Care Giver Retreat 
is On The Way!! 

We are looking forward to having a great time at the ACGR this year!!!

Do you plan to come?  Be sure to register today!! 

Chaplain Horace and Shibana Cutter are really excited about getting to know you 
at the ACGR this year.

Extra! Extra! Extra! 

  The Convergence of Superheroes 
                Friday, May 31st 2019
The Annual Care Giver Retreat is on the way
                       Are you registered?   

    You can now register for the ACGR by app, text or computer...

Just go to in the Google search site
    Sign in and setup a cash app account 
Attendance to the retreat is the cost of $25 but after registration after May 16 is $35 so register soon... 

     Send registration amount to $HmanChaplain
        Deposit:  $10.00
        You may pay the balance upon your arrival at retreat site.
     Great! Now you are registered for the ACGR !! 
                  Now -- Send Reply to Chaplain Cutter ( or call 678-763-1871  to confirm registration.
Now you will receive a special instruction pack and information for the ACGR Care Giver mates !!  
      Received Only after registration...

   Do you have questions about the retreat? 
What to bring?
How to dress?
Who will be there?
How long will the sessions last?
Send a note to 

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Secret Place of Strength

The Secret Place of Strength
    “I have loved you with and everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”

My treasure, My beloved,
    Take My heart in your hands!
How lovely is the dawn
Of your tender love for Me.

I will be to you as the spring
    With its fragrance and new blossoms,
I will cause your feet to dance
   Upon the eyelids of sorrow,
And you will sing new songs

  Upon a bed of species in the aromatic Presence
Of My Spirit.
I am in the rain,
And you are My forest of trees;
I am the sun,
    And you are My garden of flowers.

I am eternal majesty,
   And you are intimate with Me.
I kiss the top of your head.
  I bless your face,
Your body,
Your soul,

 I love you with a love
      That shaped the universe.
Live in your spiritual intelligence.
    Exercise your gift of creativity

To give your all to the life I’ve given you.
      I am in you,
And you are in
     My secret place of strength.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Reflections of Coping

Reflections in Coping

Ps 139:1-6
   "O LORD, you have searched me and you know me
    You know when I sit and when I rise;
        You perceive my thoughts from afar.  
    You discern my going out and my lying down;
        you are familiar with all my ways.
    Before a word is on my tongue
        you know it completely; O LORD."

These six verses from the 139th Psalm reveal something incredible about the understanding and knowledge of God.  The Psalmist is saying that God knows more about him than he knows about himself.  The human personality has been referred to with the picture of the iceberg.  I have some amazing pictures that show the pictures of the icebergs above and below the surface of the water.  Icebergs are massive in their size when looking out on the water, they are sometimes very tall and some flat.  But the reason that the human personality is referred to as an iceberg is that the part of the iceberg that you can see is only 20% of the whole piece of ice floating on the water.  Just imagine the biggest icebergs on the water only show 20% of what the whole thing is in size. 

We are very much like this and everyone knows this.  You can know a person for many years and still learn more about them each new day.  In counseling I find it astounding when I ask just a few questions and my client has a ‘light-bulb moment’.  That moment when they find that they have found out something new about their own personality.   I don't reveal it, they reveal it and I am there to witness them first understanding this truth about them that they never knew before. 

The Psalmist is saying in this passage that God already knows what we do know and the things that we don't know about ourselves.  There is nothing about me that God does not know.  This is important in coping with grief.   Grief is the reality of experiencing what is beneath the surface of the iceberg In You!  Coping with grief is, You exploring what is already under the surface to know yourself better and understand how you connect that reality with life.  The realities of life are sometimes too harsh and we need God to help us understand and settle in with who we are and how to maneuver through in a way that is pleasing to Him.

Are you turning to the Lord in your feelings?  Are you talking with Him in your journal or your secret closet?  Are you calling out to Him in prayer?  The great thing about God is that you don't always have to say anything while communicating with Him.  The Holy Ghost reveals what needs to be communicated and you can know that God is in the midst (Remember Romans 8:26-28).  This is why the Psalm here is so important.  God knows who we are and is willing to comfort us in the middle of our  time of self-discovery. The exciting and the dirty. This does usually looks so good and it can get rater ugly to understand yourself. But God…. He is good…

 He will support because he made you and you will find peace....

The Promise here is that God has searched me and knows everything above and below the surface of what is my own experience and how I relate to the reality in which I find myself. 
        God is not lacking in knowledge but He also is never lacking to offer comfort to the hurting.  


Friday, February 22, 2019

Come to the Convergence of Superheroes!


Are you registered for the ACGR?  
Chaplain and Shibana Cutter are looking forward to meeting you!

Come and Reflect, Refresh and Renew!  

The Retreat will take place on Fri. May 31st  from 9:00 am- 4:00pm, beginning with a mild breakfast, lunch on your own.  
The attendance fee for the Retreat is $25.00.  Register by May 15th Late registration after $35.00, (call Chaplain Cutter (770-969-8354) or (678-763-1871 or go to  to pay online.

Participants will meet at Stone Mountain Park, GA:
1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
   Meeting at the Gristmill Pavilion 

Download the Teamup app for connection to the Retreat Supers

What happens when Super heroes come together?

         When super heroes come together it’s not like when Doctors, or Lawyers or construction workers come together.  When these folks gather, it usually pertains to the upward /forward movement of a plan for a company or a certain goal. 
When Super Heroes gather we look around and say, “Oh boy, what is happening now?”  If you watch the movies, Super Heroes come together usually to solve a major problem that will affect the lives of people and devastate the world at large.   Just think, Superman can take care of the villains who want to accomplish an evil goal on the town or city or community.  But when Superman gets Batman and Wonder Woman together…. That means he needs help.

           When the super heroes get together, people’s lives are on the line and they are there to attack a huge problem in the world.
        It is important to recognize the real super heroes in our day.   Persons who deliver ‘life-on-life’ care.  You may have read my blog to see me use this term in the past.  I have a whole Theory on this idea of ‘life-on-life’ care. 

         Super heroes are people who give their special talents to support the lives of people whom they don’t even know.  They understand their responsibility to the populous for the greater good of all.  Mind you, a super hero is not just a person with those special abilities but someone who actually uses the powers he/she has to keep someone safe, comfort the soul of a hurting person or even stand in the way of oncoming agony or death. 

        The huge thing about the super hero is that they have to cope with the fact that they are different than other people.  They are just not the same.  They may look like others.  They may have human qualities but somehow they come to the conclusion that they are just different.  They cannot just pass by a huge problem and keep walking.  Remember when Peter Parker came to cope with this problem in one of the Spiderman movies?  He thought that he could just ignore the issues of life and just be a natural college student.  But that just did not work….
        As people who deliver Life-On-Life Care, you are a vehicle of hope for someone who needs sure support in real ways.  Somehow and for some reason God has chosen you to be affected by the maladies of life that touches another person.  And you cannot keep silent nor sit wanting to fulfill this task in life.
      Care givers are super heroes because it takes special inner skills to physically care for another person. 

       Your special abilities are so you can help people have a normal or close to normal life.  And they really appreciate that.  But you are not impervious to the human suffering that you address.   If you know much about the supers, you know that each of them has a vice.  Something, someone or some issue that, if it comes up or is brought into the area around the superhero, will stop him/her from using her powers for the good of others.  You are like this too….

       So, what is your Kryptonite?  What issue can stop you from performing your task of care giving?  Only you know but there are other supers who can help you to get beyond the problem of your vice so that you can get on to doing good with your special task in life.  We will continue this after you consider this important task of reflection.
     Continued later…..


Extra! Extra! Extra! 

The Annual Care Giver Retreat is on the way
May 31, 2019
                       Are you registered?   

    You can now register for the ACGR by app, text or computer...

Just go to in the Google search site
    Sign in and setup a cash app account 
     Send registration amount to $HmanChaplain
        Registration $10.00
        You may pay the balance upon your arrival at retreat site.
     Retreat full admission $25.00 before May 15th or $35.00 after May 15th. 
     Great! Now you are registered for the ACGR !! 
                  Now -- Send Reply to Chaplain Cutter ( or call 678-763-1871  to confirm registration.
Now you will receive a special instruction pack and information for the ACGR Care Giver Convergence of Superheroes !! 
      Received Only after registration...

   Do you have questions about the retreat? 
What to bring?
How to dress?
Who will be there?
How long will the sessions last?
Send a note to 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

ACGR 2019 Theme: The Convergence of Super Heros

      If you have noticed, you know that the movies are filled with the Super Heroes from the comics.  It seems that the movie makers have finally gotten to a place in life when they can put up on The 'BIG SCREEN' what they read as a teen.


      I would ask you now who was your favorite super hero?  Superman, Batman, Storm, Captain America, Elektra or Wonder woman?  Maybe it is another of the famous masked characters who now are larger than life of the big screen.  When you really think about it, all of us dream of being a person with amazing abilities, or being saved by someone with amazing super powers or even knowing that a person with strange powerful abilities exist.

            The Care Giver Theme this year: 

                     The Convergence of Superheroes.

 Over the next several blogs we will look at the amazing abilities of super heroes and parallel them to the REAL SUPER HEROES of our world.
 The super heroes I would introduce are Soldiers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters.  My favorite super heroes are parents of special needs children and veterans of wars. The vast amount of super heroes are Care Givers of all types.

      These super heroes have the life task of making sure that another human being is cared for in many different ways.  It is evident that, you cannot offer good and effective care without the command of abilities that do this act with love, intimacy and perception.  All of these qualities are beyond the classroom.

       We will meeting this year at Stone Mountain Park, the Gristmill Pavilion.
We plan to have several presenters who will help you reflect, relax, refresh and renew you heart, mind and spirit. 
       I will be introducing these speakers to you through our Team up app.  instructions for access to this app will be posted or you may get information from my devotional messages. 
         Keep your Spidey Senses in alert mode!     


  The Retreat will take place on Fri. May 31st  from 9:00 am- 4:00pm, beginning with a mild breakfast, lunch on your own.  The attendance fee for the Retreat is $25.00 for Registration by May 15th 
Late registration after May 15th is $35.00, (call Chaplain Cutter (770-969-8354) or (678-763-1871 or go to  to pay online.

Participants will meet at Stone Mountain Park, GA:
1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd, Stone Mountain, GA 30083
   Meeting at the Gristmill Pavilion 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Who Is really in charge?

Who Is really in charge?

Chaplain Horace Cutter
ESV Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 And the tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread."
         If you read the full account from Matthew’s Gospel of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, you can see many different lessons.  The fact that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted.  The love and devotion of Jesus to face the tempter and defeat him.  Jesus’ method of defeating Satan with the written Word of God.  The fact that a person is affected in their spiritual body by what happens in their physical body.  All of these themes and more can be the focus of attention but I would like to point out some thoughts that I pondered while considering this passage. 
            First, Jesus is approached by the tempter who desires to get him to use his innate abilities as the Son of God to gain what we can assume his body wanted most, food.   Many times, we approach life with a sense of our own abilities.  If I can do it for myself, why pray to God about it?  This first counter-move by Jesus was to let Satan know that we do not function in life because we can, but we have been given opportunities, grace and guidance by God himself.  So, the first challenge is to scrutinize my abilities considering what God would have me to do.  Is that your initial question to a certain challenge in life, even when you can…. Should you?  Does God want you to?  Are you in control of you or do you ask God first?
          Second, Jesus is approached by the tempter who desires to get him to manipulate the relationship between the Father and the Son.  "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, "' He will command his angels concerning you,' and "'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'" (Verse 6)   He knows that the relationship between that Father and the Son is the most loving relationship that can be and uses the written Word of God as a reference.  When I think of it deeply, my desire to abuse the relationship with God is just as much a sin as my desire to depend upon other resources.  The relationship that I have with God is not for me to try God’s grace by manipulating Him to use his divine power to support my irresponsible actions.  The relationship that I have with God is initiated by God for me to fulfill the divine purpose that he has for me.  Trying to control God doing something stupid.  Am I trying to control God?

         The third attempt of the devil is what inspired the direction of my thoughts.  The tempter comes to Jesus with a ridiculous offer.  "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." (Verse 9) Just think about it.  Jesus who is God, the Second person of the Holy Trinity listening to the devil who was kicked out of heaven eons ago, saying, “I am in control of all these kingdoms you know.  I will give you command over all of these kingdoms. I will make you the ruler of these lands”.  My daughter educated me to the picture of Pikacu, from the video games, with a startled look on his face.  The picture is something that you send to someone when the say something that you just cannot believe they were dumb enough to say it.  You may insert the saying, “Are you kidding me?” the Devil at one point in eternity past worshiped the Son along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now He offers the kingdoms of the world to this Almighty God….

          Of course, Jesus counters Satan’s offer by proclaiming that God is the only one to be worshiped and served by any man alive.  This is clearly a sin that was the ultimate in control.  We all have the choice to revere, venerate, emulate, respect and worship.  As a matter of fact, we will do this worshiping of something as a human action to life itself.  The question is, who or what will you worship?  Will you worship the one that provides food for you, loves you with an everlasting love and commands your love for Him to define and support all expressions of love I your life?  This whole account of Jesus facing the devil in the middle of nowhere should tell us that the devil is waiting for you wherever you go hoping to find a place in life, time and circumstances and even devotion to challenge your ability to control the circumstances regardless to the will of God.  

        So, who is in really in control?  I am repeatedly reminded of the teaching in scripture to control myself, which takes a life-time to achieve. But I am still looking for the passage that calls for me to control circumstances around me.  Some may say that compelling people to come the Christ is controlling the circumstances, but this action of discipleship is done in obedience to God and love for the person with whom I am in community.  Who has the power to make things happen is not my concern, acknowledging that God is almighty is the ultimate challenge to life. And we are called to live it.
      We are not to control circumstance, groups nor people. We are not in control...