Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Hopes and Fears of all the years Are met in Thee tonight

The words are from the Christmas song

O Little Town of Bethlehem

      Bethlehem Ephrathah – lit- “house of bread, fruitful”

      Micah 5:2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel. Whose coming forth is ‘from of old, from ancient days.”

 *  It seems that God favors the little one’s of the world, the little children, the small yet faithful beginnings, the small yet sincere offerings and even here the little town of the birthplace of David the king.  Remember that when David was chosen, his own dad literally overlooked him as a candidate for the calling of God. 

    We have that same theme going on in our world today.   In making the most important announcement of the world, we think that maybe God would use the most powerful voice, the biggest and most influential town in the most powerful empire in the world. But no….

      God chose the smallest town in a little unknown province to be born king of the Jews. 
The most important person in the history of humanity was being born as a baby.
     Why?  Why not the son of a well known king or even an angel?

Westminster Larger Catechism

Q. 40. Why was it requisite that the Mediator should be God and man in one person?

A. It was requisite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, should himself be both God and man, and this in one person, that the proper works of each nature might be accepted of God for us, and relied on by us, as the works of the whole person.

  §§This must be a lesson to us, God does not flaunt his power.    

*  This should inspire us to remember the call

O Come, All Ye Faithful, be Joyful and triumphant

   The tumult of currents in this world continue to flow against the way of the One who created it and loves those that turn to Him. 

   The whole world is like an incredible machine, a computer, built and designed to reflect the glory of God’s power, holiness, connectedness and love.  Yet, all evil is set against the blueprints to make it operate to perform acts of selfishness, cynicism, separateness,  and hate.  The Faithful really need to come and be joyful because…..

    When the faithful show up, it is a whole different story. 

Showing up for the Purpose of the Lord is the most rewarding task any person can accomplish.  Why the most important?   Because God is the only one who knows the blueprint and calls the cosmos to conform to His will.  Working with God brings satisfaction because, “If God is for us who can be against us.”  This is why we can sacrifice ourselves for the sake of God’s plan and will, Paul said, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” Rom 8:36.
 Because there is nothing “in all of creation that can or will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”   


§ The Lesson here is that we who believe must live a life that is pronouncing the glory of God in this world today.  A life of self-significance will not do. 

  Come all Ye faithful, express your joy and the triumph of the Kingdom of God over the leadings of the world.
*  That is why Christmas is under fire-  you know that don’t you?   The message of Christmas should not be confused with the frustrations of people who do not know the Lord Jesus.  People who benefit from a grace of which they do not have time to entertain.  They do not know it but they ‘Need A Little Christmas’ in fact ‘We all need A Little Christmas, right now’!!

     If there is anything that people benefit from, it is the magic of Christmas.  Just think, the real Christmas is about God coming to rescue people in the world from the evils and terrible influence of those who do not care for others.

 It is about a little baby…. Who could not like a baby?  Who came to challenge: the status quo of family dysfunction, corrupt politics, unfair treatment and irresponsibility in money transactions and last of all, the evil powers of influence in religion. Because He came we can identify what is good about the world and what is not working right.      

  So how do we actually enjoy the benefit of the blessing of a little baby born long ago?

The Westminster Shorter Catechism gives us an answer straight from scripture.
Q. 58. How do we come to be made partakers of the benefits which Christ hath procured? 
A. We are made partakers of the benefits which Christ hath procured, by the application of them unto us, which is the work especially of God the Holy Ghost.

What does this mean?

    We Need A Little Christmas, Right Now!! Right Now!!

Not the rush and bustle for fancy stuff

Nor the tinsel and brassy glimmering gold

Not the buy 5 get one free that we seek

Nor the endless extra overtime of those who don’t believe


But the humble beginnings of God’s choice plan

But the Celebration of love, life and liberty from man to man

But the welcoming voice of care and concern

But the presence of God, peace on earth goodwill towards man


   Yes, we do Need A Little Christmas, right now! 

Right now we need the magic of a season anew,

We need the birth of a baby true.    

We crave a solve for eternity and a taste of all that is right

We need a reprieve from this troubled plight

We Need A Little Christmas, we do.. We Do !!!!

And the whole purpose and reason is Jesus for You

Turn to Him and get to know his perfect way

§  And you will have a Silent Night to go to sleep restfully or
should I say
         ‘Sleep In Heavenly Peace’
Chaplain Horace Cutter, M.Div., BCPC,  HPCF




Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Luke 2 reflections 2017

Luke 2:1
      And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. 2 And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; because he was of the house and lineage of David 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a
manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.   9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.      10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.   13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men 15 And it
came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. 2:17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying
which was told them concerning this child.

In the Scriptures It always seems as though we are waiting on God to do something. I’m
thinking about Abraham who was very close to God, so close, that God spoke to him and
gave him the promise of a new land for his heritage to live on in this world. But God
finally came and made good on his promise bringing out of Abraham a heritage and the
promise of his personal presence. The great grandson of Abraham, Joseph waited on the
deliverance from God after he was sold into slavery and then suffered the demise of a
terrible prison penalty. And God finally came to deliver him. And he became the second
most powerful man in Egypt.

How about the people who were chosen by God to represent his way on earth? The Israelites were in a bad predicament in slavery and they waited on God to do something. For 400 years they called on deliverance… And God came to their rescue. All down through history we can turn to numerous accounts when people who truly believed in the One true God, waited for some time for Him to come to the rescue, bringing deliverance to an impossible situation. You may look at many times in
the historical record to find that God seemed to be running late. Oh, But was He.

As we recollect, we think about the tragic death of Lazarus the close friend of
Jesus, the scripture attest to the news being relayed to Jesus and then when you expect a
command to exit immediately to go to the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, we are hit with
a strange phrase, “Yet he delayed in where he was for 2 more days."  'Two more days, why
two days.'  The account is written in such a way that you look at your neighbor and say,
“Well, what happened? I thought he was Jesus’ best friend that he loved. Two more
days?"     But the account is written to teach us all a lesson about God’s scheduling 'Day-timer'.

 God transcends time; that is to say that God created time, God is above time, God
works with time and in spite of time. God is the one being that cannot be dragged along
with time. God will never at the beck and call of time, running late like I am found to be
on many occasions. God does not have to manipulate time but He commands time and
guess what? Time can do nothing but obey His sovereign will. God is all powerful, all
knowing, all seeing and never lacking in any capacity in His being. God is God and that
is the best that we can do to understand Him. All of our descriptions of God lack clarity
because He is truly king of creation.

 Someone today is waiting on God for some reason. There is a situation, a crisis, the
makings of a critical event and unless God moves soon, you will be looking at disaster
and ruin. Just remember that the Lord is faithful to those who love Him and call out to
Him. God Never Misses An Appointment and does exactly what is needed especially for
those who look to Him in faith. God will Never Fail. It may seem as though He leaves
us hanging but He will make the perfect decision for all involved.
Remember when the course of a world gone wrong, the world was looking for a savior
something special happened.

NLT Galatians 4:3 And that's the way it was with us before Christ came. We
were slaves to the spiritual powers of this world. 4 But when the right time came,
God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. 5 God sent him to buy
freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very
own children. 6 And because you Gentiles have become his children, God has
sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and now you can call God your dear
Father. 7 Now you are no longer a slave but God's own child. And since you are
his child, everything he has belongs to you.

 As a Christian believer I am here to testify, we don’t always get what we want and I
am grateful for that. But being God’s son I have found that God loves me in ways that I
cannot describe and He challenges me to rely on Him at times that cause me to grow
when I am faithful to Him and not to my own desires. God is truly good. Waiting on
God? Please continue to wait because he will come when you call on Him. I have found
that God shows up in ways that you have not figured and His way is the best way. No
matter how smart you are, the lesson is that God’s plan is the best plan and as you follow
it, you come out better than you planned.

KJV Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall
strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
 The story reveals that the Sovereign Lord, God is not only all knowing, all powerful,
completely comprehensive in His understanding but he is all loving. And He Loves
Now may the glory of Christmas in celebration of lights, candles and communion with loved ones across the globe,  give illumination of the glory of The Great God of Heaven, The comfort and support of the Sweet Holy Spirit and the reality of our Majestic Savior Jesus who came just in time to redeem us and welcome us into the holy family of God as children adopted into a radiant life of everlasting joy, peace and love.   Amen

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving: A Great Refreshing Joy

“Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion.
Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception.
Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude.
Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and
    limps along the spiritual road.” 
John Henry Jowett

             The greatest virtues of life are the concepts that add meaning to life and offer to others the real you.   Giving thanks looks without oneself to acknowledge the grace someone has seen fit to offer you.  God offers us the experience of love and fellowship with others if we are willing to allow life to challenge you with the risk to enjoy companionship. 
Thanksgiving, giving thanks, making gratitude a priority, can you see that as a virtue?  Will you go limping along life’s spiritual road maimed and fumbling with no sure way?  God has given us the model of His only Son to help us experience the grandeur of friendship, brotherhood, comfort and fellowship.  Thanksgiving is an experience that is meant for knowing and expressing the best of life.  Giving thanks allows someone to joy in the pleasant things that you enjoy.  God has connected us that way.   Accepting thanks is a way of being humble and strong enough to help another human-being, life resonates between us that way.  And you say, “Your are welcome”, because grace demands a response.
            Living a life without thanksgiving leaves too much time to think about what is wrong and not enough time for the consideration of what is already right, good and pleasant.  The life of a person of passion will be filled up like an inflated balloon offering joy to the little child who receives it but the life lacking thanks will be flat and miss out on the joy of a refreshing attitude.  We like the company of someone who will offer words that lift us up, not miss the pleasant things in life and will never ever ignore the opportunity to say, “Thank You very much.”  Be that person and allow others to be refreshed in your acquaintance.  

Looking up to say thanks offers a refreshing gift to God one that will return an excellent attitude and rebound in a certain refreshing of yourself.  That is why Thanksgiving is offered in Scripture to those who believe.
I will offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD.  ( NLT Psalm 116:17)
Offering a praise to the Lord cannot be done without reflecting on the blessings that God’s grace has brought.  When we muse on the good that we have experienced, we take in spiritual oxygen and enrich our soul, try it today.  The believer in God above must think positively upon the world in which we live and find where in this life can I look to be thankful.  

        Are you living with real love and a passion for life? 
        Do you have a hope that is lined with fine perception?
        Does your faith have strength and fortitude?
Try making it a point to say, “Thank you very much” to someone and wait for the happy response you will receive.  Try it several times because ‘Thanks’ is becoming a rare expression to our broader society.  You will probably surprise the person you are addressing.  Try a life of thanks and God’s gracious response will fill you up so that return of being welcomed and free will refresh you, creating  another experience to look to and know that refreshing the soul really begins with you.

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.  
         Chaplain Horace E. Cutter

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

When Darkness comes around


Many people are upset with the wickedness that happened in Las Vegas this week.  Some people who just wanted to be entertained among friends and others that like country music came for fun and enjoyment.  But the darkness came out that night. 

   Times like these are perfect for us to look at the words of scripture to help us understand the ups and downs of life.  As many of you know, life is not a bed of roses and we are critical of the person that tries to convince otherwise.  We know that from time to time, there will be someone who actually allows the darkness to use them to make history.  The man who planned and made this evil act happen was probably a nice guy at some time just like you and me.  But along the way of life just one detour down a selfish path can bring us to believe that darkness is our destiny. 

    Who do we turn to when darkness comes around?  Who will comfort us right in the middle of trouble?   Well, we do know one man that was not directed, influence nor was he emboldened by the likes of darkness. 

     Jesus Christ the Light of the World    

“In him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” John 1:4  (NIV)

      The life of Jesus is so full of times when he confronted darkness that we can only say that he was the very opposite.  Not cowering to it, he overcame darkness because He is the light.  The darkness of this world is so very dark and God wants us to know this deep down in our souls.  The Bible begins with God proclaiming light into the world and making all of the world very good. Yet upon the disobedience of the first man, darkness came around. 

       Do you know that the darkness is so influential that you or I can be duped into thinking that we are doing God a favor when we follow the rules of darkness.  Remember Cain the son of Adam and Eve, thinking he was justified in killing his brother because his own sacrifice was selfishly offered.  The influence of religion is a powerful thing and still affects the turning of the world today. 
     We have many other events that reveal how dark the darkness can be but we must turn to the light and follow the one who is for us.  

     Slavery all over the world through the centuries
    Incarceration of Jews in Europe
     Genocide in Rwanda
    Apartheid in South Africa
    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The terror attack on the twin towers of NY and Washington, D.C.
and now...
    The massacre of Las Vegas

When the darkness comes around it is so prevalent that we are mystified about the existence of evil itself.  Contemplating how this could happen in such a nice world. But the many occasions that history offers us is evident that the way of the world is not of the nature of a soft, warm Teddy Bear.
     Scripture offers to us some consolation regarding the darkness of this world because when we are enjoying the lovely and exciting pleasantries of the light,  it is very hard to convince us that the darkness is still here with us.

      Of olden times on the coast of Cornwall there were wreckers. These men tied a lantern on the head of an ass, and drove the animal along the heights that fringe the shore. Ships at sea saw this light, and thinking them to be guides where there was open water, ran towards them, fell on rocks, and were dashed to pieces. Then the wreckers came down to the shore, and took from the wrecked ship all that could be saved.
      There are a host of these false signals about in the religious world, leading men to destruction. What, then, are we to do? Look to the lighthouse of the Church, built by the hands of Jesus Christ. In it He has set the clear, steady light of revealed truth.  

   Do not follow the darkness or your life may shipwreck along the shore so that the devil would salvage your efforts for his purpose.  And that purpose is to devastate many lives and to place the blame upon our God. 

 There is a wonderful hymn that I sung in church this past Sunday.  In it was a phrase that I continued to think on during the rest of the day.   

‘Be thou my Vision’

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art,
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.”

       God is our best thought, Why?  Because He loves us, revealed himself to us, offers us comfort and love in this life and gave up His one and only Son so that we might have life. 

          KJV John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Light is so lively that we enjoy the benefits of it daily.  Dark is so deadly that it makes resounding images in the minds of men and women.  Walk in the light so that your deeds can be attributed to the one who loves you. 

          May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.  Amen..


Monday, October 2, 2017

Devotional Series: Practicing the Open Life

Open your heart

 “And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.  The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.”  Isaiah 58:10-11

            When the heart is open to the world around it, God promises to open his loving heart to those who trust him, opening their hearts to others.

  Hymn: There’s a wilderness in God’s mercy

            For the love of God is broader

            Than the measure of our mind;

            And the heart of the Eternal

            Is most wonderfully kind.

            If our love were but more simple,

                 We should take him at his word;

            And our lives would be thanksgiving

             For the goodness of the Lord.

“Then your light will rise in darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”    The Lord promises to offer blessings that only He can give.  God will turn the lights on in your life.   There is so much more to this world that what we see and those who believe in God must trust that through their lives, others will experience the presence of and awesome and loving God.

    May the Lord, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, bless you to know His presence peace and support today.  May your mind, spirit and body be renewed by the unction of grace from the Holy Spirit of God.

Monday, September 25, 2017

THE Kingdom of God: A Kingdom of Divine Support

A Kingdom of Divine Support

      1 Corinthians 4:20 For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God's power. (NLT)
( 1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. (KJV)

     There are many things that can be said and taught about the Kingdom of God.  Whole volumes have been written about what the scripture says about it.  Jesus taught extensively about the kingdom of heaven which are of great value to study and understand.   The one thing that cannot be denied is the idea that the kingdom of heaven or the Kingdom of God is a certain description of God’s divine support, not just in teachings but also in real life.  This is why so many of Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom are in parables.  Parables relay more than an abstract thought but they give a picturesque illustration of how real life works and plays itself out. 

      The kingdom of heaven is dynamic and powerful because it contains the actions of the lives of people who have come to know and believe God.  They do not just know about God, they believe God because they have lived experiences that convince them of his presence, majesty, holiness and power.  They have talked and agonized with God in their prayers and are convinced that God exist.  The kingdom of the God is not just fancy talk, it is living by God’s power due to the convictions of one’s life. 
     John Ruskin said, “If you do not wish God’s kingdom, don’t pray for it.  But if you do, you must do more than pray for it; you must work for it.”

         God reveals himself to people who desire to live as citizens of a great and glorious kingdom; having been conquered by the love of God, understanding the dominion of God to overcome selfish desires to reach out to others and to know the power of God which subtly makes incredible changes for those who look to the great sovereign Lord of all creation for direction in life.    

NLT Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct, and devotion to God,
The life of a citizen of the kingdom is expressed in the words of this song…

Father, lead me day by day
Ever in thine own sweet way;
Teach me to be pure and true;
Show me what I ought to do.

When I’m tempted to do wrong,
Make me steadfast, wise and strong;
And when all alone I stand,
Shield me with thy mighty hand. 
May the mighty power of God’s kingdom guide, comfort and support you this very day.  May God bless you to know His presence, peace and safety as you seek to extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ to our world.  
May there be a fusillade of grace, by way of direction, connecting and compassion that grant you success in your efforts to offer support and hope to patients and their families in the future.  Amen….. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

THE Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of dominion

The Kingdom of dominion
 For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17 (NLT)
     In our passage today regarding the Kingdom of God, the Apostle Paul is informing us that the kingdom is not about the believer exercising his/her freedoms just because he can but exercising the freedom to love others above how much you love your own freedom to live. 

     As we have seen so far, the Kingdom of Heaven is personal yet interpersonal interactions.  Placing great value on personal responsibility and relationships that we enjoy is an important aspect of the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of Heaven is an incredible doctrine that reaches into vast understanding about the physical, emotional and the spiritual world.  Yet, among the many other teachings about the Kingdom we find at the center a greater sense of dominion over the created  order within, to cope with life in loving God and caring for others. 
Paul W. Harrison said, "Wherever God rules over the human heart as King; there is the kingdom of God established." 
      Loving God calls for a healthy look inside to overcome the false self to know God better.  When this happens the next task is to live in such a way that you place great value upon those you meet and come to know.    The false-self is disciplined and the true-self is empowered to live out the true will of God in a world that is set against God.
       In an address in New York City in May of 1982 Mother Teresa said, “ Nakedness is not only for a piece of cloth.  Nakedness is for human dignity, for respect.  Homelessness is not only for a house made of bricks.  Homelessness is being rejected, unwanted, unloved, uncared for, having forgotten what is human love, what is human touch.” 

      In extending the Kingdom of God into the world we must continue to govern our lives to be personal.   The world of email, instant messages and even quick and easy face-sheet introduction we endeavor to take dominion over the technology to keep our work human.  Remembering that human love is done in an intimate and personal way taking into account the closeness of human touch. 

The Kingdom of God

Devotional Series: The Kingdom of God

  A kingdom experienced by love

Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”  Luke 17:20

            Jesus said that the Kingdom of God would come but not be observed as they were used to in kings conquering another people.  The people of ancient days would see the conquering king come in to demand, dominate, rule and make them slaves.
            This kingdom would come by the king conquering the hearts of people by the act of self-sacrifice, teaching of a new life and personal freedom that he would give them.
            As members of God's Kingdom we extend the kingdom into the world.  Sometimes when people are served by us, they will understand something of the grace of God through the subjects of the kingdom. 
            Our place is to be sure that people experience the ways of God's Kingdom while they are in this world.  

   Henry  W. DuBose said, " The kingdom of God is a kingdom of love:  and love is never a stagnant pool."

    As citizens of the great Kingdom of God, allow the World to experience the benefits of someone who knows the King.  Let the Word move you to live a great life.  

Annual Care Giver Retreat 2017

  The 2017 Annual Care Giver Retreat was a great success. 

The Care Givers loved it!!

Participants came and enjoyed food, fellowship and their calling in a beautiful and peaceful scene of nature.   Everyone that attended was given the opportunity to hear and be heard.  Attending to the renewing of souls and replenishing hearts each care giver was supported and engaged in soul refreshing. 

The Green Eggs and Ham Dilemma
I do not like Green Eggs and Ham, I do not like them Sam I am.”
      This is a great children’s book that emphasizes the fact that some people will not move forward or make certain decision due to the way they look at the person who brought the information to them.  The main character in the book, who is not named, had a dislike for Sam, “remember Sam I Am”.  At the outset of the story Sam introduces himself and the main character makes a snap decision on what Sam is saying.  His first statement in the book is, “I do not like that Sam I am.”    So, at this time, Sam goes straight to his mission, “Do you like Green Eggs and Ham?”   Then they begin to go around and around. 
My favorite part of the story is, “Would you eat them in a box?  Would you eat them with a fox?”
Getting someone to make a certain decision sometimes depends solely upon who is bringing the message.   Are you having trouble helping someone make a good decision, family or patient, may be a professional contact?  It may be because they have a preconceived misjudgment about you.  This points to the very fact that we make many decisions on emotional not logical basis.   Having this thought in your mind may help you to remember how to adjust your approach or even bring another member of the team into the mix so that the misjudgment of you will not hamper the whole deal.  We will not be able to please everyone and your persistence may not win them over like it did for Sam in the story.  As the main character finally chose to try the Green Eggs and Ham and found that he liked the Green Eggs and Ham. 
      Monachopsis is the subtle but persistent feeling that you are out of place.  Sometimes we do feel that we are out of place in this world, as care givers you may have felt that the rejection of a plan made you feel that something about you is wrong.  This feeling monachopsis, causes me sometimes to think, “why can everyone else do this and I can’t?”  I may be trying to be some else but if I step forward to be me and use my own personality and character makeup, I find that I am more satisfied with how I performed and most times people will appreciate me being me. 
Proverbs 18:16 says, “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.”         
This is why sometimes the lonely feeling is valid in this world to our existence because you are a gift to the world to make something change for the better.  “The gift opens the way for the giver…”  your gifts and talents were sent here by God in order to change the life of someone else for the better.  When you use your gifts and natural talents to function in life, you might be like Sam I am to someone helping them to make a choice that looks just like Green Eggs and Ham.  But it is just the right choice for them.  As that agent of change in someone’s world you may be the world to them. 
Proverbs 18:16 says, “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.”         

Monday, July 3, 2017

A Balance of Power

Devotional: A Balance of Power

YLT Isaiah 33:22 For Jehovah our judge, Jehovah our lawgiver, Jehovah our king -- He doth save us.

     Why is America so great?

Many people ask the question, “Why do we think America is so great above other nations?  Is it because of the size of our country? Or the way we claim to be the best in national loyalty?  Maybe it is great because we create the greatest rock stars? I’m not sure that other countries can claim to have an Elvis, Billy Joel or Michael Jackson.  But these are not the reasons why America is so great. 

       One reason that our citizens have claimed our country to be so great is because from the very inception of our country, the founders looked to God in order to guide them and the people in creating a government that protects, governs and frees people to be who they believe God created them to be. 

         The founding fathers of the country did not take this idea lightly so they turned to scripture to help them, as many of them were men who believed in the scripture to lead people to a better understanding of the world.   

   The scripture reference above was one of the leading aspects of how the founders understood that governing a nation was bigger than one person like a king or unchecked group like parliament.  So, this scripture was key to serving the citizen to know that people are always understood as flawed and must have some way to balance the power of governing a nation of free people. 

        Israel understood that not only did Kings have power from God but Judges also guided people to follow the laws of God and that there was a social law given not only for the people but also for those who were given the task to serve in leading.   The number 3 comes up in the founding and history of our country due to the idea that 3 is a special number in the Bible.  Concepts and lessons in scripture helped the founders to know that 3 is a responsible number, Three in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,  the three virtues of faith, hope and charity.  Three days of Jesus in the grave before the resurrection.  The scriptures divided into 3 parts the prophets the law and psalms. 

       So why not the president rather than King because only God can be called the King of any people?  The Judicial branch was only to judge on the lawfulness of the people, and the Legislative branch, which would make the laws by the guidance and allowance of the people who elected them.  The framers of this country knew that people are not good enough to trust with unbridled power. 

       So, one reason that America is great is because we understand that only God is good enough to rule, judge and lead a nation of free people. 
KJV Isaiah 33:22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.

So, as you think our our country and celebrate the independence of it many years ago.  Remember, that the Christian faith was directly intertwined with the developing of the nation that we cannot untangle our faith from the founding of America.  That is why America is so great and we can look to our faith to thank the Lord above for the scriptures that inspired the men who determined to live out: Liberty, E pluribus unum and In God We Trust.  
   Have a happy and grateful Fourth of July

Monday, May 15, 2017

You Are the World

You Are the World
"To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world."   Dr. Seuss
Sometimes we see ourselves as one small insignificant person in the whole world of people.  It is easy to think this way especially when you go into crowds of people and see so many.   But the work that you do every time you do it, affirms the importance of every single person in the world.   

Matt. 9:21, "She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."
People who seek peace and healing, desire to be close to or just touched by someone who knows that they are there.   

This past weekend I went to visit the Hope House Staff and kids with disabilities.  I went over to Alex and I noticed that she was awake.  I saw that little hand there and i believe that she is blind but I touched her hand.  Immediately she took my hand and began to turn it over and under, up and down and play with my hand seemingly to say thanks for knowing that I'm here.  I see that you are here too, let's be here together.  So, I let her play with my hand for a while.  I may have been the only person in the world for at the moment.  It was a special moment for me.  I hope her too.

  It's ok to make one person in the world feel special because you may be the world to them.

May God bless you to know His presence, peace and safety as you seek to extend the healing of the Lord to our World.  May there be a fusillade of grace, by way of direction, connecting, compassion that grant you success in your efforts to offer support and hope to patients and their families.  Amen!

Remember to sign up for the Annual Care Giver Retreat today. Care Giver Retreat will be held on May 19th from 9am to 1:30pm at Dunaway Gardens in Newnan, GA

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Incredible You

   Today you are you.  That is truer than true. There is no one alive. More youer than You!  Dr. Seuss

     The Celebration of You!
It is important to be part of a community of people but you must remember to be yourself.  There are countless stories of individuals who changed the lives of many simply because they answered the voice within to a task that no one else even saw. 

Harriet Tubman, Florence Nightingale, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Mozart, Vincent Van Gogh, George Washington Carver.  

     All of these and more are counted as individuals who saw something and sought to see it become real.  You are a person made in the image of God.  The power to love, to grow, to learn, to help and to Be is all inside of you.

The Psalmist calls out in praise to God, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” 

       Walk in the light!
      So thou shalt know
      That fellowship of love
      His Spirit only can bestow,
      Who reigns in light above,
   Walk in the light!
       And thine shall be
       A path, though thorny, bright;
      For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee
      And God Himself is light.
                                                     Moravian Daily prayer text 

How do you affirm you own person-hood in the world?  Remember to get a healthy dose of those things you like to do and you will be well on your way to being the Incredible You!!  


someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not.
                                                                          The Lorax

      The words of the Lorax make good sense when it comes to you making changes for the better.  In the story, the Lorax called for the businessman to be responsible with nature but my challenge is to be responsible with life.  Your life!!   It is quite frequent that most people facing a life challenge will not make the necessary changes UNLESS things become critical.   It really doesn’t have to get critical for you to make changes in the world, it takes passion.   Turning passion into performance can make a real difference in the  world around you.  This reminds me of a great quote I read,
     “The richer, the wiser, the more powerful a man is the greater is the
       obligation upon him to employ his gifts in the lessening of the
       sum of Human misery.”    John Randolph

Just like the Lorax warned the businessman in the story, John Randolph informs us that our control over some type of resources or power obligates us to use that gift to better the world around us. 
As a care giver, you are entrusted with the well-being of another human being, which is a monumental task in our day.  The gift you have been given is a powerful testimony of the grace in our world.  Making good use of that gift calls for your diligence, love and persistence to offer it well to those who need it most. 
May God bless you in caring for another person in support of their life to find worth in our world today.   


Monday, April 24, 2017

Envisioning Telos

 Envisioning Telos

       You may already know something about this Greek word that we will discuss this week because it's meaning taps into the big picture issues of life.    I'm sure that your pastor has used this word in his/ her sermons due to the impact it has on theological understandings.                        

 With telos, many great things have been accomplished in this world but Without telos, some of the smallest things that we experience in life are chocked out of our reality.  Sometimes people who have lost their telos will fall into deep dark depression, some have died.   So, let's talk about telos this week.

    Telos is Purpose

      Defined: The end of a goal-directed process, especially the Aristotelian final cause..

  As humans, our minds are driven to understand the world around us in a way that looks for purpose.  Not just what else does this can opener do besides open cans but what is the end goal and purpose for the making of this thing.   telos has more to do with what will a certain process bring about and how will it effect the world around it?

       We all have thought about what is our purpose in a job or task, maybe a group has a certain purpose looking to accomplish an outcome and this is important in life.   

  The Psalmist said....

   Psalm 73:28 says, "But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works."

    Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 1 What is the chief end of man?  And the answer is, “Man's chief end is to glorify God, an enjoy Him forever. 

       You see, in the Biblical sense, we were created to glorify God, or to use our abilities and skills to impact the world in a certain way.... A way in which God has determined.   You may think that you think strangely but in the biblical sense you were brought into this world with a purpose for your life and to make a change in the lives of those that you encounter.   So. When people encounter you, they will be a little different than when you first met them.   

       The second part of the answer is very important too, because it speaks of fulfillment in life.   As we seek to glorify God in our lives with the skills, gifts and talents we have, we find that we have the experience of the benefit of feeling useful in the world around us.  This usefulness is not the telos of the big picture but it points to the reality of our ultimate telos, enjoying God forever.  The fulfillment we feel is that we are actually doing what God purposed us to do.  This whole teaching opposes the idea of Charles Darwin the author of 'Origin of the Species'.   When we know our purpose, we find what we are to be doing while in this world and get a sense of our actions being bigger than ourselves.   

       Your specific job here at on your team has meaning and purpose but if you think about it you could have worked anywhere doing anything, how you see your purpose defines how you end up serving the world around you.  Looking from the 'Bird's eye view' you have a broader understanding of why you have this job on this team doing what you do with excellence and intension and for a greater purpose.    So, serve your particular purpose on the team you work with.  Do it with great planning, excellence and passion and then feel the great rush of fulfillment that gives you a sense of God's purpose for your life and it's ultimate ends.  A great enjoyment with God. 

 May God bless you.    May there be a fusillade of grace, by way of direction, connecting, compassion that grant you success in your efforts to offer support and hope to patients and their families.  Amen